Closure of the II Economic-Productive Conference

From the Cuban Chamber of Commerce, in person and by videoconference, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment, Rodrigo Malmierca, closed the II Economic-Productive Conference. The Conference, organized with the support of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and the government from the national level and to the territories, is consolidated with the active contribution of institutions such as that and the National Association of Economists and Accountants (ANEC).

The Minister said that in the previous edition good practices of economic actors were exposed, back then only made up of hundreds of micro, small and medium-sized companies, but today MIPYMES exceed 3,500 and, together with cooperatives, have become in a necessary element to consider in the process of economic revitalization. He pointed out that the chaining of all of them with the socialist state enterprise is vital for the growth and development of our economy, considering that the exchanges (with ministers) have been fruitful due to their constructive and optimistic approach.

The analyzes have focused mainly on the obstacles that limit such links. In addition, he specified the need not only to provide an answer or solution in the shortest possible time, but also to continue working to achieve an effective articulation of the new economic actors with local development. Also, in this second edition the academy, through prestigious professors and researchers, contributed ideas to the debates, which constitutes an essential element in the effort to seek answers from innovation.

The head of the MINCEX congratulated the entities nominated for the Business Management award granted by the ANEC and who finally deserved, in the category of Production of Goods, the Molecular Engineering Center and, in the category of Services, the Territorial Division of Sancti Spirits of the National Company of Computer Applications DESOFT. A prestigious jury, made up of personalities from various institutions, issued the results based on their relevant economic and productive achievements, in an integral manner.

Special mentions were also given, in the first group, to the companies INPUD Primero de Mayo, from Villa Clara, Dairy Productsand Confectionery from Pinar del Río and Pesquera Industrial Santa Cruz del Sur from Camagüey (EPISUR), and in the case of those of services to the Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages Indio Hatuey, of Matanzas. In the final session of the Conference, the highest authorities of ANEC, of ​​the private entity Dofleini S.R.L. and the Yellow Pages of the Cuban Telecommunications Company, signed a letter of intent for the consolidation of the Business Guide for Economic Actors, presented at the opening of the Forum.

Taken from the MINCEX's intranet